Welcome to fellow

Membership Center Of NPA Lagos Chapter

Our members form Nigerian’s largest psychology community and enjoy a wide range of professional benefits..

To qualify for election as a fellow member, a Persons shall be full members or shall have satisfied the Executive that he possesses the requirement for full membership and in either cause, he shall have satisfied the Executives. Fellows may be elected from among the members of the association by a three-quarter vote of the members of the committee on Fellows and Awards

Application process

For membership registration


Send an application letter for membership to npalagoschapter@gmail.com, formally indicating your name, University, specific degree(s), year of graduation, and the category being applied for among other information. You then attach your CV and credentials.

The process takes a period of three months before completion, please. When you are verified good to go, then we ask you to make payment.

Fellow members enjoy a special introductory rate of just #5000 for registration dues and an annual fess of #5000.

Fellow member pay the sum of #5000 for subsequent yearly dues ..

New members

Welcoming new members

We invite you to join us to connect with your colleagues in different field of psychology, be supported throughout your psychology career or studies' stay informed about scientific and policy developments

Mail Us: admin@npalagoschapter.com
Phone: (+234) 705 981 0230
(+234) 802 428 4824

Registration Form

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